
Awards and Fellowships nominations

花椒直播 you

Please tell us your name
Please tell us your email address – this is how we will communicate with you about the Awards and Fellowships scheme
Please tell us your status – only Morley students, staff, governors, Fellows and former recipients of Morley Awards may nominate

花椒直播 your nominee

Please tell us the name of the person you would like to nominate for an Award or Fellowship
Please tell us the email address of the person you are nominating
This helps us decide which type of award or fellowship to consider; please select ‘none of the above/I don’t know’ if you do not know the current status of your nominee
Proposed honour(Required)
Select a specific category if you are confident that your nominee meets the criteria set out above, or choose “Please choose the most appropriate category on my behalf” if you wish Morley to select the most appropriate category
This is where you outline why you feel your nominee deserves to receive a Morley Fellowship or Award. It’s useful to reference how your nominee meets the criteria outlined above. Please limit your citation to 500 words (we suggest using a word processor to keep track of the number of words, and then pasting your text into this box.)